Blog Posts
- Scala extension methods vs implicits - beware of precendence
- Does my Scala Value Class really not get allocated?
- Understanding JVM soft references for great good (and building a cache)
- Working dir for tests between sbt and intellij for subprojects
- Calculating the checksum (hash/md5/sha) of directories in Scala
- Open sourcing our specialized TinkerGraph with 70% memory reduction and strict schema validation
- Introduction to code generation with scalameta
- Http Basic Auth as a composable Action in Playframework
- Overriding dependencies in a test with playframework and guice
- Tag a whole ScalaTest suite (update for Java 8)
- Calculating the shortest path with Gremlin-Scala
- Calling Java 8 functions from Scala
- Super simple dependency injection in Scala
- Elasticsearch case study for realtime analytics
- Execute Scala Futures in serial one after the other (non-blocking)
- Create generic Scala collections with CanBuildFrom
- Akka Work Pulling Pattern to prevent mailbox overflow, throttle and distribute work
- scala.util.Try - chain to handle all success and error cases
- Callback lifter and exception driven development
- Akka TestKit addition: expect some messages, ignore others
- Akka work-pulling pattern to throttle work
- Create your custom Scala REPL
- Fun with Scala's new Reflection API (2.10)
- Maven: skip GPG sign process
- Selecting top k items from a list efficiently in Java / Groovy
- Python Mock: how to assert a substring of logger output
- Eclipse, PyDev and virtualenv
- Performance testing with insights into JaxWS client scalability